The Worland City Council established the Worland Municipal Court pursuant to City Ordinance (Ord. No. 9) in 1914. This ordinance states, "The office of police justice is hereby created in the city and such officer, under the authority of the municipal court, shall have exclusive jurisdiction to fine, hear and determine all cases arising under the ordinances of the city…" It should be noted that Worland Code §14-1 adopts the Wyoming Motor Vehicle Code and Worland Code §15-1 prohibits any act, which is recognized by the State of Wyoming as a misdemeanor. The Mayor, with the consensus of the Worland City Council appoints the Worland Municipal Judge bi-annually in February.
The Court holds initial appearances on citations on a scheduled Tuesday at the hour of 12:00 P.M. Trials and hearings are scheduled throughout the week with individual notice of it to the defendant. Sessions of the Court are held in the Washakie County Justice of the Peace Courtroom located in the Washakie County Courthouse at 10thSt. and Big Horn Ave., in Worland, Wyoming.
The Municipal Court Clerk is located at City Hall 829 Big Horn Avenue and is responsible for scheduling court dates, sending notices and collecting fines for municipal court.
The Municipal Court Clerk is located at City Hall 829 Big Horn Avenue and is responsible for scheduling court dates, sending notices and collecting fines for municipal court.